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Web Checkout Navigation

You might have seen some of Ventrata’s sites with drop-down navigation to other pages, and could be wondering how to set it up. This guide aims to help you get that done:

This is set on a Web Checkout level under the Navigation bar.

Simply hit + NEW NAV button and fill in the following information:

Title - the name of the page that will be displayed
Parent Navigation - if you want to include this in the drop-down menu
Header / Footer - choose where the link or menu will be visible
Page / Article / Category / Product / Redirect - choose the type of drop-down (redirect will ask for a path or a new webpage if you want to link to a partner’s website)
Destinations - when applicable

The outcome will look like this in a dashboard:

Also note the button RE-ORDER NAVIGATION below. This brings up the following menu, allowing you to adjust the order of particular navigations visible on the web checkout:

Drop-down menus

If you want to create drop-down menu, such as RIVERS in the images, all you need to do is to set a Parent Navigation, under which the other navigations will be sorted.

To do so, start typing into the Parent Navigation field while creating a new navigation, then hit "**Add Rivers**" when it appears. This adds it as a new parent navigation.

Please note, that a parent navigation which contains no other navigation will disappear. After hitting the Add button while creating a parent navigation, you need to create another navigation in the same tab before hitting Create Nav to save it.

The procedure is the same in cases of simple navigations - setting the Title and selecting the path. Parent Navigation adds the Title to the drop-down menu, with the other navigations listed below.

Once a Parent Navigation is created, containing at least one other navigation so it won't disappear, you may choose it as parent navigation for any other navigation. Select it in the + Create New Nav tab, without needing to hit the Add button. All these navigations will be listed in the drop-down menu.

Sometimes the navigations seems to be assigning incorrectly (under duplicated Parent navigations) when being created. In this case always try to use Re-Order Navigation button without making any changes and just press Save Sort. It usually helps.

Updated on: 27/04/2021

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